Why you should look in the bowl before shooting the hunt

I know it could pass for the promotion of notemoncaca.fr and yet it does not have it! I recently read an article about the Hunffington post(full article here)the importance of looking into the bowl!

What’s in the poop

Yes the article starts like that!!! Well, finally, on good sites we ask ourselves the question as !!!

To detail the content a little, Giulia Anders in the book “The discreet charm of the intestine”(on sale at the fnac for example) explains that the poop is composed of 3/4 of water! It is also thanks to this that the stool is soft enough to reach our asshole!

Then there are bacteria, non-digestive fibers, and substances that our body wants to get rid of, such as drug waste, dyes, or cholesterol.

Okay but why do you have to look at them?

A Little history

Well there is a scientist who studied in 1997 and identified the different human poop. Yes yes he even classified them into 7 categories. I put you a picture, taken from the book I quoted above.

The poop of type 3 and 4 designates the poop“good health”the other ben, do not see them too often in the bowl! Otherwise, go to the doc.


You felt it coming (ahahah the rotten pun), the goal is of course to look at the state of the stool to detect various health-related concerns. From this article you will know more about your intestines, your different organs and your liver in particular.

Of course we must not forget to take a picture of your work of art to feed our site ahaha. It is here that we deposit there photo (the photo not the poop huh! you got it)


The colors will be decisive to know if you are well! So the question is why does our poop have the poop color?

The poop color ranges from dark brown to beige. And it is our blood that gives it its hue. It is the red blood cell (which can be green or yellow or blue by the way) that in contact with the bacteria of our intestine colors it yellow / maroon.

So since I’m not a super scientist or a great writer, I’m not going to detail all the colors but basically:

  • If it is yellow or beige: it is a sign that there is a problem of bacteria, blood or that you are under medoc so go see a doc
  • If it’s gray it’s probably your liver (stop the whiskey and go see a doc
  • If it is red or black it is a blood problem, hemorrhoid seizures or more serious so also go see a doc


Look at your poop! I wish you that it is brown and that it has a beautiful shape.

And don’t forget, take the picture and send it to us!

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